1. International Filipino Spiritual Healing Congress 2015            We warmly invite you to join this unique and extraordinary spiritual healing congress.

Filipino faith healers are known to be able to perform miracles. Being in a state of trance the spirit world can work directly through them. Energy blockages on body, mind and soul level are released who are responsible for illnesses or mental disharmony. On the occasion of the healing congress (14. + 15. November 2015) several filipino faith healers gather to share their knowledge about the art of filipino healing in public. One Message is: "Each limitation or illness can be overcome through the god given power of love." Mediations support your transformation process, healing sessions help overcome stuck situations, the spiritual path will unfold. Private healing sessions can also be booked.


"As to my knowledge a spiritual congress like this has never happened before. It is about time people all over the world know and understand what this art of healing can achieve. Even more important is for everyone to experience the healing by themselves, to witness the transformation process in only two days. When you feel the change you will open up again to the miracles in your life. Allow us to touch your soul." Christin Stracke


Learn about all the congress details and book your ticket here! 


CEENTRUM EVENTS presents the 1. International Filipino Spiritual Healing Congress on 14th + 15th November 2015,

at LOFT building, Gustav-Schwab-Str. 3, 72336 Balingen, Germany. Saturday: 10 am – 8 pm, Sunday: 10 am – 6 pm / doors open 9.00 am

1. International Filipino Spiritual Healing Congress, 14. + 15.11.2015 in Balingen, Germany

It is the first time the world-famous Filipino faith healers are meeting in a congress outside the Philippines to share their wisdom and knowledge among interested people. The Filipino faith healer circle (Joseph Calano as former president and Paul Altesing as momentary president) decided it is about time to reach as many people as possible with Filipino spiritual faith healing to raise the spiritual awareness and to give and provide healing on all levels so human kind can live peacefully and lovingly with each other.


On both congress days there will be, next to Joseph Calano, more traditional Filipino faith healers from the Philippines to attend this worldwide exceptional congress and to contribute to it. Mainly Joseph Calano and Christin Stracke will be holding lectures about the Filipino faith healing, revealing secrets about their healing work and what is behind it. Hear more about the phenomena of psychic surgery given to a few filipino healers only! During the incorporated group healing throughout both days you have the possibility to receive touching healing on all levels – several Filipino faith healers will be working together and through the spirit world for your good to release energy blockages on all three levels and channel healing energy. Awake your spiritual awareness through the guided meditations, receive healing on all levels and maybe even answers and hints to why you chose this life and what your true life purpose is.


Use this unique occasion and book private healing sessions with our Filipino faith healers during the two congress days. During your private healing sessions energy blockages on body, mind and soul level will be cleared so the healing process can take place and healing energy will be channeled on all three levels. The Filipino spiritual faith healer always stand in direct contact with the spirit world and their spirit guides who will work through them. Those healing treatments are very effective and only take a few minutes.

Loving, caring and effective healing can also be booked and purchased from our Filipino faith healers who have successfully finished their intense training under the guidance of Christin Stracke and Joseph Calano – and who have been included to the Filipino Faith Healer Circle in the Philippines. Further down learn more about those talented and beautiful healers who belong to the first Filipino faith healers not born or living on the Philippines to reserve and book a healing appointment.


Christin Stracke, founder of CEENTRUM, feels very blessed to initiate and organize the 1. International Filipino Spiritual Healer Congress, side by side with her guest of honor, colleague and former teacher Joseph Calano, to touch people in their hearts. Some of the lectures and meditations will be held in German language which will be translated into English.

The healing energy is with you!

Joseph Calano about the congress

"Hello, I am Joseph Calano a spiritual healer from the Philippines.

I'm inviting you to the 1. International Filipino Spiritual Healing Congress that will be held in Balingen, Germany on November 14th and 15th this year.

If you are looking for spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment or if you think and feel something is missing in your life then this is the event where you have to be present. I can assure you that if you attend this congress it will be a great spiritual experience for you. I hope to see you there." Joseph Calano

We warmly invite you to join this unique and extraordinary spiritual  healing congress.

Discover why the traditional Filipino faith healing is extremely effective and how this art of healing works. Look behind the scenes where the Filipino faith healers reveal the secrets to their doing – it is about time to share this knowledge and wisdom so as many people as possible can receive healing.


Benefit from the Filipino group healing throughout the week-end and from the guided meditations connecting you with your spiritual awareness and boosting your spiritual awakening.


Experience inner peace and harmony, unconditional love and healing. This week-end will enduringly change you on body, mind and soul level. Take action to do good for yourself, to increase your spiritual growth, to find clarity and to release the energy blockages that stopped you in doing so far.

Say YES to yourself – embrace yourself!


CEENTRUM EVENTS presents the 1. International Filipino Spiritual Healing Congress at November 14th + 15th 2015,

at LOFT building, Gustav-Schwab-Str. 3 in 72336 Balingen, Germany. Saturday: 10 am – 8 pm, Sunday: 10 am – 6 pm / doors open 9 am.


This congress is much more than just a grouping of so far not known information that will be shared. Those two days are all and only about you, your healing process, your development and your active engagement throughout this time, may it be meditations, group healing or the communication between each other. It will give you wings and change the way you look at yourself and life.

 We are looking forward to welcoming you and remember ... the healing energy is with you.


Saturday, 14. Nov. 2015

  • 10.00 – 10.15

  • 10.15 –11.15
    LECTURE // The roots of filipino faith healing
    Joseph Calano

  • 11.15 – 12.00
    MEDITATION // Opening of energy channels, connection with unconditional love.

  • 12.00 – 13.00
    LECTURE // WHat filipino faith healing can do for you
    Christin Stracke


  • 15.00 – 16.00
    LECTURE // Working through and with spirit guides
    Joseph Calano

  • 16.00 – 17.00


  • 17.30 – 18.30
    LECTURE // How to support the healing process
    Christin Stracke

  • 18.30 – 19.00
    INTRODUCING further filipino faith healers from other countries

  • 19.00 – 20.00
    performed by filipino as well as international healers

Sunday, 15. Nov. 2015

  • 10.00 – 10.15

  • 10.15 –11.15
    MEDITATION // Releasing and clearing pains from past lives and this lifetime, connection with unconditional love

  • 11.15 – 12.45
    Prayer healing on stage
    The phenomena of psychic surgery
    Joseph Calano


  • 15.00 – 16.00
    LECTURE // How filipino faith healing changed my life…
    different people talk about their experiences

  • 16.00 – 17.00
    performed by filipino as well as international healers

  • 17.00 – 18.00
  • … to your questions concerning filipino faith healing

Program information may be subject to change.

Joseph Calano & Jojo Paquito offer further healing treatments from     17. - 19.11. at Ceentrum, Balingen.



Right after the congress week-end you have the possibility to book further traditional filipino healing treatments by Joseph Calano and Jojo Paquito from 17. – 19.11.2015. You can choose between 30 or 60 minute treatments. The number of possible appointments is restricted and their schedule is already well booked. If you want to make sure to receive additional treatments, we advice you to book promptly. Please send your booking request to: ticket@Ceentrum.com

Clear words

The spiritual filipino faith healing is often seen as alternative therapy. This is not how we at Ceentrum look at it. It is not about a decision between academic medicine or spiritual faith healing. In fact it is complementary to academic diagnosis and therapy and cannot replace it – therefore it is not an alternative but equally important. The cause for any illness has its roots on mind or spirit level and can only be cleared there. Academic medicine is focused on the body level, the filipino faith healer works – next to the body level – on the mind and spirit level, releasing energy blockages which are responsible for the illness so healing can take place on all three levels.


Be aware that you and only you are responsible for your life. You are also responsible for your well being and your health. If this is not the case you have the possibility to face the circumstances momentarily showing in your life to attain new insights for changes in your life. Once again: this is your task and only you can do this. It is essential to be responsible and caring for yourself: if you are ill, go see a doctor and get advice.


The spiritual filipino faith healing is no universal remedy and no wonder drug – once used – to instantly heal everything there is, even though I wish healing will take place for each of you within a split second. The filipino spiritual faith healing should be seen as a way one has to take, to receive clarity and to be able to understand why things are happening or why one is ill. Only then changes in your life can be made for a positive outcome, bringing you back to your wholeness and one-ness step by step. SPIRIT healing means, to release energy blockages through the art of filipino healing on invisible levels, so it becomes easier for you to heal, meaning, overcoming your obstacles. Once again: this is an active process you have to perform.


The phenomena of psychic surgery can "only" do the same as stated above. Psychic surgery is a noninvasive intervention, even if it might appear differently for the human eye or brain. If the circumstances are right, the filipino faith healer will clear and release a big energy blockage, mostly on spirit level, which can be witnessed as the phenomena of psychic surgery. Let me make it clear: Even if a psychic surgery happens it doesn't necessarily mean that suffering will stop or the illness is cured now and forever.


The spiritual filipino faith healing and more importantly we, Ceentrum, DO NOT sell wonders! Wonders can happen – every day, everywhere for everyone, but you can't buy them. People or institutions who advertise and sell so-called wonders or who promise healing success are making money of your hopes. We, Ceentrum, distance ourselves from this explicitly! We wish for everyone to receive the wonder you are hoping for. We love to accompany and support you on your way of healing. But the basic requirement is for you to understand, acknowledge and accept, without your cooperation and your will for change, none of this is possible. You are responsible for your life. Welcome life – welcome yourself. God bless you.

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